Next month I am participating in a show over at Lot F Gallery along with two of my favorite Lot F artists, Josh Falk and Sean Flood. I will be showing some of my large paintings along with the next set of mixed media pieces. As always, the art will be good, the people will be interesting and the beer will be free so, be sure to come by the opening.
Facebook members can join the event page here
Works by
New works from three Boston artists. Each with strong and distinct styles. A number of large substantial works will be available, as well as a range of other pieces.
Refreshments will be provided
For more information and pre-sale appointments email
If you are in the Boston area, be sure to stop by The Distillery for Open Studios this weekend. For those that have been in the past, remember to find me in my new studio, #405 (that we are affectionately referring too as “The Tower”). I am the first door on the left, just before the Distillery Gallery when you come in though the main entrance. For those of you on Facebook, if you check in on my artist page during your visit I will give you a free print (until I run out!). I have a few different prints to choose from, all hand pulled signed and numbered screen or block prints.
I have plenty of big new paintings and some beer from Jacks Abbey brewery to share so, be sure to stop by.